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 Consulting Service >> Pretest & Consulting service

HDMI-ATC Taiwan provides pretest & consulting service for manufacturers’ convenience and has extraordinary tools for authorized testing.

Pretest Service

Pre-testing saves time and money by letting you identify and debug problems prior to formal testing and production.

With the extensive background of the engineers covering digital and analog IC design, design of system hardware and software, and driver design, within the ATC that can assist our clients to quickly complete the development and receive associated certifications.

We are a One-Stop Service company providing testing service of engineering techniques that include IC development, FIB, ESD, reliability verification, signal testing certification, and failure analysis.

To perform the pretest, manufacturer needs to complete the Pretest order form and CDF/PCP for your testing. Submit form to: taiwan-atc@istgroup.com

 Pretest Price List
HDMI 1.4

HDMI 2.0




Consulting Service

HDMI/MHL Certification is a much tougher test to pass. HDMI-ATC Taiwan—we can help manufacturer to improve products and solve and technical problems at less time. To order a service, Contact to+886-3-579-9909 ext. 2601/ext. 2685 │ taiwan-atc@istgroup.com